The Foster Diaries: Ratchet's Story ?


Hey there, friends! ? My name is Ratchet, and I have some pawsome news to share! When I first arrived at A Dog's Dream as a foster, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was a bit nervous, but the moment I met Mrs. Crystal and Mr. Jayson, I felt something special. They looked at me with so much love and kindness, and I knew right away this place was going to be my home. ?


From day one, I had a feeling this would be a foster fail (which is a good thing in doggy terms!). Mrs. Crystal and Mr. Jayson are incredible—they play with me, give me all the treats, and make sure I'm super comfy. I've made so many new furry friends, and every day is an adventure! ?

But guess what? It's official—I’m no longer a foster pup. ? I've found my forever family with Mrs. Crystal and Mr. Jayson (I call them mom and dad now). They've welcomed me with open arms and hearts, and I couldn't be happier. I'm looking forward to endless belly rubs, play sessions, and cozy naps with my new pack. ?️


So, here's to new beginnings and forever homes! If you're looking for a best friend, remember there are lots of us waiting for loving families. I found mine, and I hope all my fellow fosters find theirs too. ?❤️


Paws and love,

Ratchet ?


PS: A Dog's Dream just got a new foster today, and his name is Baxter. ? Mrs. Crystal is helping him write his first Foster Diaries post, so you should see it soon! Baxter and I are good friends, and I hope he finds his forever home soon, too! ?